El tamaño de los paneles será adecuado para pósteres de tamaño A0 dispuesto en vertical (84.1 cm de ancho y 118.9 cm de alto). El autor citado en la siguiente lista es el que expone/presenta el póster y no necesariamente el autor principal. La numeración de los pósteres indica la sesión en la que se ha expuesto el póster y el panel correspondiente.
En la página de premios, se puede consultar los pósteres premiados.
P1 (X 18:00 -20:00)
- P1.01 "The simplest complex dynamics under friction"
Martín Maza-Cuello - Universidad de Navarra - P1.02 "Mathematical Analysis of the competition among different Variants of SARS-CoV-2 in European Countries"
Sergio Alonso - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - P1.03 "Collective motion of virtual amoebae: interactions among deformable swimmers"
Sergio Alonso - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - P1.04 "Complex rheology of a pedestrian evacuation"
Dariel Hernández-Delfín - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - P1.05 "Optimization of number and location of solar plants and storage in a power grid with high penetration of renewables"
Pere Colet - IFISC (CSIC-UIB) - P1.06 "Graph alignment using Bayesian Inference"
Teresa Lázaro - Universitat Rovira i Virgili - P1.07 "Infering the connectivity of complex networks using ordinal transition methods"
Irene Sendiña-Nadal - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - P1.08 "Opportunistic gambling versus conservative bet-hedging in populations evolving in fluctuating environments"
Rubén Calvo - Universidad de Granada - P1.09 "How does a polymer stretch?"
Alessandro Fiasconaro - Universidad de Zaragoza - P1.10 "Collective motion of Nafion-based micromotors in water"
David Reguera López - Universitat de Barcelona - P1.11 "Collective behaviour of a suspension of energy depot repulsive disks"
Juan Pablo Miranda López - Universidad Complutense de Madrid - P1.12 "Polymer translocation under end-pulling time-dependent forces"
Alejandro Sáinz-Agost - Universidad de Zaragoza - P1.13 "Information dynamics in a model of EEG brain rhythms"
Gustavo Eduardo Mereles Menesse - Universidad de Granada - P1.14 "Rational and accidental design of patchy colloids assembly into complex ordered structures"
Eva González Noya - Instituto de Química-Física Blas Cabrera (CSIC) - P1.15 "Finite-size scaling of human-population distributions over fixed-size cells and relation to fractal spatial structure"
Alvaro Corral Cano - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - P1.16 "Endemic infectious states below the epidemic threshold and beyond herd immunity"
Javier Aguilar Sánchez - IFISC (CSIC-UIB) - P1.17 "Interplay of inertia and damping in power grids"
María Martínez Barbeito - IFISC (CSIC-UIB) - P1.18 "Un Modelo Basado en Agentes para comprender los procesos que estructuran las redes mutualistas en Doñana"
Javier Galeano Prieto - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - P1.19 "Stretching an extensible discrete wormlike chain (EDWLC)"
Fernando Falo Forniés - Universidad de Zaragoza - P1.20 "Degree-day-based model to predict egg hatching of Philaenus spumarius, the main vector of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa in Europe"
Manuel A. Matias - IFISC (CSIC-UIB) - P1.21 "Helium in liquid alkali metals: solubility and nucleation"
Edgar Alvarez Galera - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - P1.22 "Active wetting and collective durotaxis: speed, diffusion and super-diffusion of cellular clusters"
Irina Pi Jaumà - Universitat de Barcelona - P1.23 "Emerging topology and arrested states in defect-free active turbulence"
Jaume Casademunt Viader - Universitat de Barcelona - P1.24 Dinámica en fases nemáticas biaxiales inducidas por un campo para cristales líquidos cuboidales"
Álvaro Rodríguez Rivas - Universidad Pablo de Olavide - P1.25 "Colisiones en etapas tempranas de la formación de biofilms: la influencia de la frontera"
Álvaro Rodríguez Rivas - Universidad Pablo de Olavide - P1.26 "Integrating conflicting seasonal light and thermal cues in the control of Arabidopsis elongation"
Saúl Ares - Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC) - P1.27 "Feedback control of organ size precision in the Drosophila eye"
Saúl Ares - Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC) - P1.28 "Network Inference and Dimensionality Reduction in Biome-Specific Virus Data"
Gorka Buenvarón Campo - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P1.29 "Active particles stabilise emulsions of phase-separating mixtures"
Javier Díaz Brañas - Universitat de Barcelona - P1.30 "Patrones de condensación en sustratos con distintas densidades de sitios de nucleación"
Ruddy Eglee Urbina Sulbarán - Universidad de Navarra - P1.31 "Linear Response Theory in hard colloids"
Antonio Manuel Puertas López - Universidad de Almería - P1.32 "Spherical bacteria, re-identification of parameters in complex systems"
Rafael Vida - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - P1.33 "Unveiling the airspace structure and aircraft mobility in Europe: a complex network perspective"
Pau Esteve Ferrer - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P1.34 "Numerical evidence for a phase transition in the six-dimensional Ising spin glass on a field"
Juan Jesus Ruiz Lorenzo - Universidad de Extremadura - P1.35 "Estimating Entropy of Correlated Discrete Sequences: Performance Analysis and a New Estimator"
Juan De Gregorio - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P1.36 "Spatial Memory in Rats under non Life-Threatening Conditions"
Jorge Medina Hernández - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P1.37 "Quantum memories for squeezed and coherent superpositions in a driven-dissipative nonlinear oscillator"
Adria Labay-Mora - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P1.38 "A compartmental model for Xylella fastidiosa diseases with explicit vector seasonal dynamics"
Alex Giménez Romero - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P1.39 "Epidemic outbreaks reconstruction from the metric backbone"
David Soriano Paños - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência - P1.40 "Partisan Voter Model: stochastic description and noise-induced transitions"
Jaume Llabres Rubio - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P1.41 "Random walk interpretation of kinetic theory for intruders in freely cooling and driven granular gases"
Enrique Abad Jarillo - Universidad de Extremadura - P1.42 "Machine learning for modeling mobility flows between locations"
Oriol Cabanas - Universitat Rovira i Virgili - P1.43 "Multistability and stochastic effects in the dynamics of coupled cardiac gap junctions"
Blas Echebarria Dominguez - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - P1.44 "Computational Study of Gram-positive Conjugation: from Single Cell Signaling to Colony Behavior"
Álvaro López-Maroto Quiñones - Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC) - P1.45 "Virus-host protein co-expression networks reveal temporal organization and strategies of viral infection"
Raul Guantes - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - P1.46 "Segregation dynamics in granular suspensions"
Vicente Garzó Puertos - Universidad de Extremadura - P1.47 "Modelo mecánico del proceso de adsorción de "k-meros""
Diego M Maza Ozcoidi - Universidad de Navarra - P1.48 "Thermal brachistochrone: Minimizing connection times between equilibrium states in harmonically confined Brownian particles"
Carlos A. Plata - Universidad de Sevilla - P1.49 "Self-similarity of turning avalanches in schooling fish"
M. Carmen Miguel - Universitat de Barcelona - P1.50 "Immersing in a rigid particle flow versus immersing in a soft particle flow"
Raul Cruz Hidalgo - Universidad de Navarra - P1.51 "On the formation of coral reefs"
Miguel Álvarez-Alegría - IFISC (CSIC-UIB) - P1.52 "Sub-cellular description of cardiac action potential propagation with gap junctions dynamics"
Jean Bragard - Universidad de Navarra - P1.53 "Dynamics of an inelastic tagged particle under strong confinement"
Pablo Maynar Blanco - Universidad de Sevilla - P1.54 "A pattern-formation mechanism arising from pulsed interaction signals"
Emilio Hernandez-Garcia - IFISC (CSIC-UIB) - P1.55 "Impact of overlapness on dynamical systems with higher-order interactions"
Santiago Lamata Otín - Universidad de Zaragoza - P1.56 "Inverse percolation by removing straight semirigid rods from bilayer square lattices"
Lucia Ramirez - IFISC (CSIC-UIB) - P1.57 "Disregulation of tissue homeostasis in a two cell-type system"
Adolfo Alsina Lopez - Instituto Gulbenkian de CIência - P1.58 "Macroscopic active particles driven by light"
Sára Lévay - Universidad de Navarra - P1.59 "Interacting particle systems with mobility and demographic dynamics as biological models"
Alejandro Almodovar - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P1.60 "Phase Separation of Proteins: Finding the Disordered Regions that Drive it"
Esteban Meca Álvarez - Universidad de Córdoba
- P2.01 "The role of averaging in multidimensional symbolic dynamics"
Juan Gancio Vazquez - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - P2.02 "Estadística Regional en Pacientes con Fibrilación Auricular"
Leire Moriones Imirizaldu - Universidad de Navarra - P2.03 "Dynamics of a confined and ultraconfined vibrated granular system"
Manuel Mayo León - Universidad de Sevilla - P2.04 "Modeling a primordial, non-enzymatic RNA replication in the early Earth"
Carla Alejandre Villalobos - Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA) - P2.05 "Language shift dynamics: Role of size and coupling strength of communities with different preferences"
Pablo Rosillo Rodes - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P2.06 "Diffusion and Release of Cargo from Collapsed Microgels: A Theoretical Framework"
Adri Escañuela Copado - Universidad de Granada - P2.07 "Modelling the behaviour of functional nanoparticles in polymer melts by Molecular Dynamics simulation"
Adri Escañuela Copado - Universidad de Granada - P2.08 "Tuning the depletion forces among colloidal particles using external magnetic fields"
Joan Josep Cerdà Pino - Universitat de les Illes Balears - P2.09 "The following network of Olympic athletes"
Jorge P. Rodríguez - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - IFISC - P2.10 "Inferring the connectivity of coupled oscillators from sequences of intervals between events"
Cristina Masoller - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - P2.11 "Characterizing social information spreading by using event-synchronization and causality measures"
Cristina Masoller - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - P2.12 "Topological Defects in the Non-Reciprocal XY Model"
Ylann Rouzaire - Universitat de Barcelona - P2.13 "Sampling rare trajectories in stochastic processes"
Sara Oliver Bonafoux - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P2.14 "Structural Balance in social networks: data analysis and modeling"
Miguel Ángel González Casado - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - P2.15 "A spectrum of complexity uncovers Dunbar's number and other leaps in social structure"
Martín Saavedra López - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - P2.16 "Emerging collective behavior in many particles systems"
Umair Rehman Raffi - Universidad de Navarra - P2.17 "Modelling the phase behaviour of nematic liquid crystals by Molecular Dynamics simulation"
Adrián Díaz Acosta - Universidad de Granada - P2.18 "Navier-Stokes transport coefficients of a granular gas of inelastic and rough Maxwell particle"
Andrés Santos Reyes - Universidad de Extremadura - P2.19 "A journey through ecosystems: the complexity of interaction networks in the gut microbiome"
Adrian Aguirre-Tamaral - Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas (UPM-INIA) - P2.20 "Shaping coral reef growth. The role of nutrient diffusion and erosion"
Tomas Sintes Olives - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P2.21 "Unveiling the highly nonlinear dynamics of KCN molecular system using Lagrangian descriptors"
Fabio Revuelta Peña - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - P2.22 "Two diverse types of criticality in neural network models"
Carles Martorell - Universidad de Granada - P2.23 "Stick-Slip Behavior: Evolution of a Condensation Pattern with a Humidity Sink"
Mathan K. Raja - Universidad de Navarra - P2.24 "Virus-cytokine arms race in mammalian cell tissue"
Alda Sabalic - Universitat Pompeu Fabra - P2.25 "Hallmarks of habituation: a biochemically-plausible model"
Maria Sol Vidal Saez - Universitat Pompeu Fabra - P2.26 "Transiciones estocásticas y deterministas en juegos evolutivos en redes"
Nagi Khalil Rodríguez - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - P2.27 "SARS-CoV-2 Genotype Network"
Iker Atienza Diez - Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC) - P2.28 "A statistical model for codon optimization"
David Luna Cerralbo - Universidad de Zaragoza - P2.29 "Nest site selection in honeybee swarms: The colony as a cognitive unit"
David March Pons - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - P2.30 "Enhancing Multi-Physics Microwave Heating Simulation of a Packed Bed of Spheres: Insights from Tangency-Preserving DEM Simulations"
Carlos González Niño - Centro Tecnológico CIRCE - P2.31 "Preserving Tangencies in Postprocessed DEM Results: Enabling FEM Electromagnetic Simulation"
Miguel Ángel Castán Lascorz - Centro Tecnológico CIRCE - P2.32 "Transición vítrea en un fluido molecular con fuerzas de arrastre no lineales"
Antonio Patrón Castro - Universidad de Sevilla - P2.33 "Global non-equilibrium attractor for non-linear Fokker-Planck systems"
Antonio Patrón Castro - Universidad de Sevilla - P2.34 "Polarization measures in multi party elections"
Juan Carlos Losada - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - P2.35 "Evolutionary Kuramoto Dilemma: Coevolution of Synchronization and Cooperation in Costly Networked Interactions"
Alberto Antonioni - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - P2.36 "Topologically-induced suppression of explosive synchronization on graphs"
Manuel Miranda Barrado - IFISC (CSIC-UIB) - P2.37 "D-Mercator: multidimensional hyperbolic embedding of real networks"
Robert Jankowski - Universitat de Barcelona - P2.38 "Socioeconomic determinants of Stay-at-Home Policies during the First COVID-19 Wave"
Pablo Valgañón - Universidad de Zaragoza - P2.39 "Structural properties of hard-disk fluids under single-file confinement"
Ana María Montero Martínez - Universidad de Extremadura - P2.40 "El complejo efecto de un obstáculo al desatascar un silo con vibraciones"
Angel Garcimartín Montero - Universidad de Navarra - P2.41 "Patient-specific beam delivery times in a synchrotron-based proton pencil beam scanning system"
Javier Burguete - Universidad de Navarra - P2.42 "Propulsion from energy bursts for nitromethane in water"
Arnau Jurado Romero - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - P2.43 "On the binomial method for the generation of stochastic trajectories"
Raul Toral - IFISC (CSIC-UIB) - P2.44 "The role of major signaling pathways in vertebrate neurogenesis"
David Míguez Gomez - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - P2.45 "A theoretical approach to the complex chemical evolution of phosphorus in the interstellar medium"
Marina Fernández Ruz - Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA) - P2.46 "Diffusion in colloidal monolayers: bridging the gap between two and three spatial dimensions"
Alvaro Domínguez - Universidad de Sevilla - P2.47 "Universal fluctuations of global measurements in planar clusters"
Silvia Santalla - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - P2.48 "Impact of economic inequality on the emergence of intolerance in reputation-based societies"
Luis Alberto Martínez Vaquero - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - P2.49 "Un nuevo método personalizado de cálculo de la dosis recibida por la sangre circulante en los principales vasos en radioterapia de protones y fotones"
Marina Garcia-Cardosa - Universidad de Navarra - P2.50 "Prediction of the liquid-crystal phase behavior of hard right triangles from fourth-virial density functional theories"
Yuri Martínez Ratón - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - P2.51 "Modelado de Osciladores Biológicos con Retroalimentación Dual: Un Análisis de Ecuaciones Diferenciales con Retardo"
Christian Cortes Garcia - Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC) - P2.52 "Non-equilibrium dynamics of microbial ecosystems"
Jose Manuel Camacho Mateu - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - P2.53 "Nonequilibirum properties of granular gases of rough particles"
Alberto Megías Fernández - Universidad de Extremadura - P2.54 "Amplitude modulation control of spatiotemporal chaos in starlike networks of damped-driven pendula"
Ricardo Chacón García - Universidad de Extremadura - P2.55 "Emergence of chaos in complex networks of damped-driven nonlinear systems"
Ricardo Chacón García - Universidad de Extremadura - P2.56 "Una técnica para la estimación de umbrales de percolación en sistemas de redes: Aplicación a un problema de flujo granular a través de un orificio"
Rodrigo Caitano Barbosa da Silva - Universidad de Navarra - P2.57 "Making rare events typical in chaotic maps"
Carlos Pérez Espigares - Universidad de Granada - P2.58 - Retirado
- P2.59 "Optimising search processes through heterogeneous stochastic resetting"
Gregorio García Valladares - Universidad de Sevilla - P2.60 "Local balance reveals major historical events in signed networks of international relations"
Fernando Diaz-Diaz - IFISC (UIB-CSIC) - P2.61 "Communicability geometry reveals antagonistic factions in signed networks"
Fernando Diaz-Diaz - IFISC (CSIC-UIB)